The phenomena of twitwar, counter attack tweet, and black campaign using ironical and sarcasm words were massively appearing during presidential election which has been held in July 2014. Most of Indonesian politicians used internet and social media for campaign. So it can be interpreted as well that this newspaper supported Joko Widodo more than another candidate during presidential election campaign. The result is known Prabowo Subianto was negatively imaged than Jokowi during the presidential election campaign of 2014. There are 56 articles to be examined, and to analyze them, the used methods are quantitative and qualitative approach by applying media content analysis, and discourse analysis. This study aims to examine how the images of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto were constructed in the news of Jakarta Shinbun during the presidential campaign. At the time of Indonesian presidential election campaign from June 4 to July 5, 2014, Jakarta Shinbun (JS) published so many articles about campaign of two Indonesian presidential candidates, namely: Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. Therefore, it could be predicted that it has a strong influence in shaping public opinion among Japanese living in Indonesia. Reader target of this daily are Japanese people living in Indonesia. The head office is located in Jakarta and all of the editorial teams are Japanese journalists. Jakarta Shinbun is one of the largest, and the only Japanese language dailynewspaper published in Indonesia. Even though, ideology and discourse on dangdut stories also served as a mechanism to explain the involvement of women on the oppression of themselves. Meanwhile, as sexual object, parts of women body which constructed are “vagina” with neglecting of virginity. As object viewing, parts of women body which constructed are hip and butt. The changing and shifting on women body construction can’t be released from men position and domination.

Popular dangdut stories from 2000-2013 shows that women still become second position and object for men.

The result of this research shows women body on dangdut stories become viewing objects and sexual objects. This study applied Sara Mills discourse analysis which focuses on subject-object position, audience position and gender on the texts.This research uses qualitative-descriptive methods and aims to understand phenomena, discourse and description which is shown by words and language on popular dangdut stories. Retrieved 25 February 2020.This research aims to (1) to find women body construction on popular dangdut stories on 2000-2013 and (2) to understand the meaning and discourse on popular dangdut stories on 2000-2013. ^ a b "Tiga Jendral Menjadi Warga Kehormatan PSHT Pusat Madiun"."Gubernur Sumsel Herman Deru Jadi Warga Kehormatan PSHT Pusat Madiun Pertama di Indonesia". "Dinobatkan Jadi Warga Kehormatan PSHT, Pengakuan Menpora Mengejutkan" (in Indonesian). Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia. ^ "Menpora Ingin Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate Terus Kembangkan Ilmu Pencak Silat"."Ibas sah jadi warga PSHT" (in Indonesian). Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia. ^ a b "SH Terate Ikut Wujudkan Bela Negara di Dunia Internasional"."Pentjak Silat – The History which its related with PSHT". Istu Hari Subagio (honor of the pendekar).Andjar Wiratma (honor of the pendekar).This education system was then called Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate or PSHT in 1948 during the first congress in Madiun. Finally, Oetomo formed SH PSC (Persaudaraan Setia Hati "Pemuda Sport Club"). Soerodiwirjo agreed with this idea as long as the school later had to have a different name. In 1922, Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo, a follower of the Setia Hati style from Pilangbango, Madiun, ask permission of Soerodiwirjo to establish a martial arts school with the Setia Hati style. In 1917, he moved to Madiun and establish Persaudaraan Setia Hati in Winongo village, Madiun, Indonesia. Previously, he called the martial arts style as " Djojo Gendilo Tjipto Muljo" with the brotherhood system called " Sedulur Tunggal Ketjer". In 1903, Ki Ageng Soerodiwirjo laid the groundwork for a pencak silat Setia Hati style in Tambak Gringsing village, Surabaya, Indonesia.